any where you want.


a coincidence bonds us
(2003-06-28) 22:55

So now I am going out with the boy who shares the same birthdate as I do. (He is 20, I am 18...exactly 2 years apart. Read last entry). It's too ridiculous.

He probably forgets that I am still living with my parents (hey, I am moving out this fall!) because he always wants to go out at around 9-10 at night. Sure, it is not late...but it is pretty late to go out! Though I thought it was fine at first since then he doesn't have to see me during the day when he can see me clearly--see how hollow and boring and ugly I look. I'm paranoid, aren't I? But I still prefer going out during the day. We could do so much more.

This is abnormal anyway. I realized that I've been hanging out with everyone a lot lately...well, everyone, except him. I'm not exactly avoiding him, but I suppose it's because I like being with friends because there is no pressure. I sense this tension between us.

Why must it be so complicated?

So this is the "boy" entry. I should probably give him a nickname for the purpose of this diary. Hmm. I will name him "Will" because that is the beginning of his last name.

Who knows what's going to happen between Will and I? This is summer. Anything, really.

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from yawen.