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attack of the noble gases
(2001-01-09) 03:41:44

Bonjour toute le monde... Je suis revenue.. oui.. I am back. I dont know why I havent written sooner but I never made time for it. These days before finals week had been the busiest.. and I couldnt get myself to write. Any time I spent dwelling on the computer, I'd feel guilty that Im not spending the time to study.. so Im just torturing myself in thinking to study.. but I never do anyway..

I could have had more time.. but today I spent three or four hours on my history project on machine guns with my partner. It could have gone faster, but it turns out that my partner was more of a perfectionist than I was. *gasp* Well, I didnt want to spend ALL that time trying to make everything perfect, because history wasnt really important to me... I was actually getting a decent grade in the class. Its CHEMISTRY honors that Im worried about. My history teacher once said, "Why is everyone complaining about Chemistry? Even the Chemistry AP people!" Hahaaa.. chemistry is just so... well, chemistry. My friends were joking how we are like the periodic table.. and like most of us want to be like the noble gases.. but most of us never achieve that throughout our life.. so depending how far we get, we'd try all our lives to lose or gain electrons (our goals) to gain the noble gas status.. haha. Anyway.. enough of chemistry..

I got a 85% on my Hero essay. I thought that was an accomplishment for me because I usually get C's and D's on essays.. because Im horrible with organizing my thoughts through words. I think you could probably tell from the messiness of my words. But the guy that sits next to me was like saying that its so horrible (he got that same as me). But then hes one of those people thats actually good at writing essays. *sigh* Im still going to rewrite it anyway... I *need* an A in the class. Is there any secrets to writing such things? Then of course in history, we need to write an analytical paragraph thing as a part of the unit exam.. gosh. Last time I got a 16 out of 20... HOW do you write these things? It needs to have claim, data, warrant and those things. Okay. My brain just cant process these information very well.. at least cant organize these facts. is up and running. Although its not exactly *my* domain, at least I control the content and things, so its kind of mine right? I havent had time to spend on it because this week has just been really busy studying and such. I'll work on it more probably after finals.. haha, next week. I'll cool off next semester with a new beginning... *sigh* But now, I need to focus on raising my low grades before the semester ends.. its the last chance. Meanwhile, ANY suggestions on what project I should do on the domain? Please? Just leave it in the guestbook, okay? Or else I'll haunt you down :)

Okay, I need to study more for the French oral... which was what I had been doing before.. which provoked that bit of French up top. It was funny since in Alg2/trig, the teacher kept trying to get us to be quiet, so he said, "Fermez le bouche" which means close your mouth in French. So this girl says, "Mais, j'ai un question importante.." Everyone starts laughing because she was the first person that ever retorted in French whenever he says "Fermez le bouche". Grain says, "Haha, does she get an automatic A?" French power! Haha, I used to think French is so elegant, but now that I know the language at least a little bit, its just another alternative to English. I like the spelling of things though. My favorite word (pronounciated) is caoutchouc because it sounds funky. Anyway. Au Revoir...A demain?

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