any where you want.


screaming of deceptive wishes
(2001-02-20) 03:36:53 is open to hosting now. Its a long and complicated process, but luckily, someone else is going to do it for me.. since I'm under a restriction of 50MB of space. So if you know anyone thats dying to be hosted, you can ask me. :)

I wish at times I wouldnt be scared of life. I wouldnt be hiding away and afraid what is going to happen.. so I wouldnt be afraid to take action. But I always have a problem with controlling myself. And I make really bad judgements. Like right now.

Why the hell am I typing right now? Why didnt I type sooner? And now everyone's screaming at me and I am in trouble. I always get myself into this. I dont know what I am doing.. and thats why I'm leaving everything to my heart. I follow nothing.. I just do what I do. That is scary.

Okay. Before I get killed, I will get off. Maybe its better if I am killed.. hey, its better than everyone screaming, right?

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from yawen.