any where you want.


freezing on somethings
(2000-12-13) 23:03:35

Im freezing. I like the feeling of being chilled frozen.. as cold as it could possibly be, without shivering at all. Shivering is discomforting.. but I like the cold. Although my hand is freezing at the moment, Im still here, typing. I dont know whats on my mind right now.. Where is my mind? Dont mind me :)

I finally figured out the filters thing on my email program. Although I still had no idea which words am I supposed to filter.. Those junk mailers put just about any words in subjects.. so I decided to just filter out any email that doesnt contain my email address in the 'To' part. Hopefully.. all my friends would email it to that *one* address...

I actually got things from my secret santa. Actually, I didnt even know it was from my secret santa because the teacher was just like giving it to me so I thought it was from her. But then, I saw that it was Reese's Pieces.. one of my favorites.. Im like uhh, how'd she know I liked these? There was also a small green candle.. with drawn candy canes and mistletoe.. and with two letters: SC. I still dont know what that stands for. But then I realized (after class) that it must be from my secret santa because on that little sheet, I put that I loved RPs and candles.. I kept inhaling the musky pine scent that the green candle gave off. For some reason, it made me feel peaceful. It was piney.. so it reminded me of Christmas. Christmas was basically happy in the past years, so I felt like I was reliving the past with one whiff of that scent. Of course it just reminded me that Im not in the past anymore.. blech. Im happy.. arent I?

I realized that I messed up my cgi directory at digitalrice. I cant erase the admin folder file.. or ANY of its contents. So I was looking at my directory online.. and it was a cgi error log thingy which isnt even viewable on FTP. So Im like okaaay.. weird. Oh well.. blah, Im just using it for the megabook. Speaking of which.. I still need to come up with a domain name.. a creative one that hasnt been taken. Its like coming up with a screen name on AIM.. haha.. every possible name just seemed to be taken. So today, I was asking everyone whats their favorite word. I looked through a list of domains, and I thought a lot of them were quite creative.. since a lot were combinations. Maybe I should do that.. hmm. Im just too lazy to go through all the possibilities :)

Okay. I really cant write today.. *sigh* I dont even feel like myself. I'll write.. maybe later.

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from yawen.