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short sessions of studies
(2001-01-12) 02:46:55

The rain serves as a constant reminder of this season... this week.. this week before finals, which is coming to an end.

For the whole week, I've been carrying around my study sheets with me everywhere.. yet I've only picked it up to study two or three times.. around 15% of the time? My poor judgements have led to the last minute works and it has not helped at all in keeping my grades up. Although I have managed to keep my sleep to seven to eight hours... and even more on Wednesday (because school starts 9:15 every Wednesday). I think sleeping was a big part of determining how Im going to do in school.. because I feel so refreshed this week.. have more energy to concentrate and all.

Maybe my writing really is improving.. for my history World War 1 analytical paragraph, I actually got 100%.. for the first time. It was a timed activity.. 15 minutes.. barely enough time to write it all down. Unlike last time though, I had several seconds before I finished.. and it was much much better than last time when I had gotten a C for my lack of organization. This was worth the same amount as the unit exam (so its a lot) in which I had gotten a B.. but I really dont care about history.. Im just proud that I can actually write... haha.

Tommorow is the French Oral. I dont know what prompted me to first volunteer to go tommorow.. but I NEED to get it over with. I cant torture myself during the weekend worrying about this oral thing. Maybe the teacher doesnt pick on me.. but she is still the same difficult teacher. I dont know how French could come so easily to other people... After school, I studied with three other people.. well, technically, just another person because its really a partner-study thing. Another friend came over, and shes like, "Oh, the FRENCH people here.." because we were all studying French in the same table. Maybe I can actually go to France one day and speak some of this stuff... gosh.. its posisoned my mind so much that I've begun to have all these misspellings because of influence from the French language.. like lemonade. I first spelled it limonade.. because that was the spelling in French.. but then I realized that there was 'lemon' so it was wrong.. And of course theres my constant urge to speak French because of the fear of the teacher.. even if Im not even in class!

Okay. Last minute study time has arrived. Good luck to me... Au Revoir..

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