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short of design things
(2001-04-08) 10:29 p.m.

Don't question, just look.

I felt like making another design, so here it is. I might just take it down because then narrow design bothers me.. maybe I'll use it for my real site or something.

This is made by Zara3D X and PSP 7 combined. Its quite nifty sometimes... but time consuming. How many hours did I spend trying to get the image set right? Four?

Don't make me feel more stupid than I already am. I'm sleepy and aggravated and this is what I come up with okay? *grumbles*

Right now, just go to another diary or something. My attitude may seem a bit too unpleasant for you.

Sleepy me. That's what happens when you don't rest.. you go a little crazy and lose track of time. That's how it always is.

Good night, all.

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