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fuck my intelligence
(2000-08-03) 18:01:07

what's wrong with me? i can't believe myself. why am i so fucking stupid? i really did try. maybe i shouldn't try so hard. am i just confusing myself?! even people i know for a fact that don't try gets better grades than me. i got a fucking D on that test! and i thought C- was bad. well close enough

i used to get better grades. i got A's and B's even! *sigh* i wonder what happened. i seriously did try. have i gone insane and left my intelligence behind, if i had any before? i actually understood stuff before and thought everyone else was stupid. now, it's the opposite. people are so happy and i'm just crying over my lost grade.

i didn't study yesterday. maybe that's why. i left my text book at school. see? i'm fucking stupid. sorry for swearing so much. but you know that's what swear words are made for. but, only ONE more day of school. and i'm gonna flunk. i KNOW it because i don't know shit. heeelp. what have i done?

i'm going to go off somewhere and sit. or sleep. or cry. or scream. whatever. i need to get out of this fucking place.

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from yawen.