any where you want.


ageless times go backwards
(2001-03-11) 03:59:16

I am just squeezing this entry amongst others. I'm feeling pretty good.. and I think I can get one more entry in before I fall asleep. Yes, I'm quite dizzy, but I can still write, right?

Hmm. What do I want to write? Do I actually want to ask myself that? Well, let me just leave you with an old picture of mine...

Remember. This is old. It is last year.. if you can guess who I am, then, I'll give you a cookie :) Heheee, well, maybe not really. You probably won't guess, so I'll just tell you. I'm the one second from the right. Yes, the girl in the red sleeved shirt. I'm not supposed to look like that.. at least I dont think so anyway. I made the sky pink sometime last year too, so it makes me look really strange.

And above all.. my hair color looks really strange. It looks almost orange (in the light) But its supposed to be reddish. Oh well. Same thing. The irony is that my hair is the same length now because it grew out.. and its the same wavyish hair. Blah. How dull.

Oh yes. I went shopping today. (gasp) I know, what a rare event.

I went to the local mall.. the closest to my house, Vallco. Its a fun type of mall.. merely for entertainment purposes... not for real shopping because that just sucks. It even has an arcade, whoohoo! For those of you who live in SJ, (like Pischina) you know what I am talking about. For real shopping, you'd have to go to another one.. far away. But, I just wanted to get out of the house, and DRIVE.

Yes, I drove... and I was a WRECK because I drove my two friends. They made me very nervous. But I made it without accidently pressing on the gas pedal instead of the gas pedal... or running a stop sign. (horrible!!!)

You know what? 16 seems so much OLDER than 15. To me, 15 is still a childish age.. and 16 is just.. older.. a young adult type now. And I think and remember how my driving instructor said to another person that he was teaching.. a person either in his twenties or thirties (I can't TELL).. that "You see her?" (pointing to me) "She's only 15.. so young." I was already out of the car by then, but I could still hear.. I wasn't really 15. I was turning 16.. really soon.. but that difference really makes a difference, doesnt it?

(sigh) Anyway. We went to the mall.. and we went to Macy's. And K told me that she knew a person that works there that can give us a discount.. and I'm like wait.. I know someone that works here too! I remembered Matt.. well, who could forget him? But I'm always too embarassed to go to him just for a discount.. thats just so impolite. Besides.. what am I supposed to say?

And he was the one that made a huge thing out of my age.. he was the one saying.. "Ooh, yeah, she's so yooooung." Right. And then he's ranking us by age.. I was the youngest, Frank was the second youngest, he himself was the second oldest, and Richard was the oldest. Great. And who cares? Even though Frank was the second youngest next to me.. he was *still* around 2 years older than me.. and only a few months younger than Matt himself!! And does a few months alive in the world matter? No.

Alright. I'll shut up around now. I hate getting mad about something in the past.. something I can't change.. or LET something in the past bother me. Thats the worst. Because its already happened and its still bothering me. And that just CAN'T be changed.

Like I said.. it isn't like dropping a pen on the ground.. because you can still go back and pick it up. But in time, you can't to do that...

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