any where you want.


coming down from his life
(2001-03-18) 21:39:29

There's too many places to write.. too many things to do.. and DiaryLand is my friend, my honest friend where I could write about anything and none would care less. I could complain, scream, shout. That's why I even have two diaries here. But thats still not enough.

I had gotten one of my best friends to blog with me at the weblog. I just realized where "blog" is derived from. You know, it's we + blog. Because I was trying to explain to her what is a blog. But anyway... go see it here. I asked her to write with me because she's a really great writer. Trust me :)

*smacks myself* Ugh. April is coming up. Seemed like just yesterday when I was nervous.. nervous about high school. Nervous of the people, the classes. My year of running around like a dork, playing and having fun between my classes. And of course those memorable dances. (Okay, so I went to two) When I was finally convinced to go, that is. That horrible IDC one.. and how we spent the rest of the time in the cove, just talking. Talking about everything. Then the spring banquet. We danced on the little platform amidst the dining tables and people called us beautiful. Maybe we were all beautiful then.

The spring banquet of 2001 is coming up again.. in April. It's not going to be the same. Last year, I went with my friend and we were stuck in a car with strange guys we didn't know. I think they detested us because we were freshmen. So once, I said loudly (not intentionally) that guys are idiots because.. and then the person in front started arguing with me. It was a pointless argument on my part because I was just insisting my arguments instead of backing it up. Well.. okay, not ALL guys are idiots.

The hotel was huge... and the people were like tiny ants swarming in the place. I didn't know that the club was so huge. There were like 20 schools in all there? We found the table reserved for us somewhere in the hundreds of tables.. and I sat next to this guy... who we had a history with. (At least I do..) It's a long story.. but well, it's just strange that I sat next to him.

We started talking about confidence for some reason. So he says that he has a lot and he's not afraid to do anything. We dared him to go up to a girl and ask for her phone number. Miraculously, he did. We didn't know if he *really* did ask her, but we saw her writing something on a sheet of paper. And he came back, saying, "Well, yeah, see I did it." I almost felt embarassed for him. But thats because I would never do a thing like that in 93945828459234 years because I'm so shy. If I could only steal a bit of confidence.

This is what happened two years ago. He was in my English class.. and everyone thought he was a bit, well, strange. He didn't really have any great friends.. we always thought he was a tag-along in this group of boys. Back then, we had a tight clique.. one girls and one boys. In the middle of the school year, we were pretty much mixed. The boys were part of our group. One day, one of the boys went up to me and said that the boy liked me.. that same person in my English class. He's like noo, noo, noo. My friend (known for her sarcastic comments.. so I don't take her seriously) says, "He loves you." Being 13, and overly stupid, I didn't do anything. And he got stranger. Okay, more strange.

I think he craved attention. Or else he wouldn't have done it. My friend had just broken up with her boyfriend.. and then after, she hated him. I don't that he liked the ex either so we got this idea to steal his PE clothes while he's out in PE. Of course, none of us had the guts to do it. It was a serious offense if anyone got caught.. meaning severe punishment. But.. he said he'll do it.

None of us believed him. He? No way. But, one day in English, he asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom. And instead of actually going to the bathroom, he went to the PE locker to steal the boy's PE clothes. He came back, telling us that he had done it. We were all shocked. So we hate the boy.. but.. we were all just joking to steal his clothes.. But it was done and we tried to forget about it because we didn't think he'd get caught because no one else was around.

He did get caught though. We *still* don't know who saw him.. or who told on him.. but he got caught. The police actually came to school.. and he was suspended. And he told us.. "My mom was so disappointed in me.. suspension.." We saw him talking to the principal and the police at the same time. It was scary for me. I felt like I was responsible for this because I knew all along about the plans. I should probably be suspended too.

That was when I was 13. You know the minds of 13-year-olds..

But, after this incident, I started noticing who he really was. I never really thought he was a loser. Just someone thats kind of... unnoticeable. And you know what? He's the same person that I sat next to during the Spring Banquet. My partner during French skit. It's strange how these things come back.

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