any where you want.


veruca dances around the sun
(2001-03-18) 03:04:10

You know I could have won around $10,000. Or more. If I was on Wheel of Fortune. Ugh. I was screaming at the screen at that stupid person who didn't know the answer and I knew. The phrase this time was a slogan, and I got it even before he did. It was "Where do you want to go today" So that host person asks the person, "Well, another $2000 if you know whose slogan it is." So I'm like screaming, "Microsoft! Microsoft!" And somehow it shocked me that the person didn't hear me. Haha.

I haven't written in here in a while. That isn't a question. That's a statement. Two days have passed by so fast. I've been working on a layout.. What a stupid excuse I know. I have too many journals and such that I have to create a different design on each one. Its really annoying.. but you see.. I can't STAND my ugly layouts which always look the same. I need variety.

See? Its here.. it's my weblog for Comatised. It took a while to install.. Because I am crazy and I just have to install a journal type thing. Its really nifty, this Greymatter script. It could be used as a journal thing.. or weblog where it keeps adding on and on. And it has the adding comment feature. Although I feel sorry for Noah, the creator of the script. He stated that he "almost put himself to the hospital working on the script." Wow. Well.. his work is worth it. The script is wonderful! Even the admin part is beautiful.. it has little quotes on the bottom which I love.

But I'm looking for different people to blog with me.. heh. I invited my friend IRL, but Im not sure if she really wants to do it. La la. I wish my life was interesting. But there's nothing there and I might as well do something instead of just sitting here complaining. There sure as hell are coincidences these days.. and I'm not sure if it's intentional.

Like.. I found out that someone has the same first and middle name as me. That's... uhh, scary. At least the last name isn't the same as me. (sigh) I have nothing to say these days. I think I'm too drugged from the noodles that I cooked for dinner. My parents were gone and I was just having fun in the kitchen. I'm an evil cook with a smile. eehh. I also made mashed potatoes. Ooiew. Its fun, really.

I've kept this stupid little screen open for so long. I know I've got something to say. Like how today I drove my mother from school to my dad's office.. went on the freeway and scared the hell out of my mother. Okay.. so maybe she wasn't that scared. I think I was more nervous than her. But anyway. I drove and I didn't accidently press on the gas pedal instead of the brake. *cheers* And then later I drove my dad to McDonalds for my yummy McSalad shaker (haha) and it took me like 20 minutes to park the car straight. Hey, its a huge 4-runner. A little short person like me can't see, okay? Why can't I just grow like.. FIVE inches. Oh well.

Driving isn't that bad. We went to see my grandmother up in the hills.. and my dad's like.. yeah, now you've got something to say. So I told her, "Today, I drove my mother from school, and drove my father to lunch. And he's buying a car for me." Shall I go on? I never had anything to say before.. so I guess it was just something. I don't even know why I went. But my dad said it was important because it was her dream to get me a car.. she wanted to see me drive. Too bad she couldn't :(

I'm turning 16! I'm... not a little child anymore. I've always thought I'm so small and vulnerable and I can still slack off and be a kid. But thats not the case anymore. I actually have responsiblities. I may be a second child.. and always depend on my older sibling.. but that just doesn't work like it used to. He's going to graduate from high school.. and that'll leave ME in high school. Where I have no direction at all. It's hard for me to do anything. I fear the outcome. I fear the future.. I fear everything.

(sigh) Well. I should go sleep now.. to the sounds of Veruca Salt. Mmh. You should go to they have great music download systems. It organizes your music.. tells you want type of music they are.. and suggests the music too! For now.. I'm just going to sleep.. Take a nice hot shower and dig deep into my warm blanket. Doesn't that sound so great?

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