any where you want.


je souhaite que je m'aime
(2001-05-18) 11:21 p.m.

This layout is dedicated to me, myself and I. Thank you. I love you too.

Actually, I was in an outrage, thinking about my birthday. I thought I'd calm myself down by making a layout. I should have made it sooner, for May is my birthday month.. but I never did put aside the time to make one. And this one is bland and all because I am so mightily boring that I am almost exciting. Yes. You're right. Je m'aime. =D

Well, I'm just going to take it down after May is over. Poor May. It's over so fast. But hey, at least it's one of those 31 days months. Whoo. I'm special =D I think I was supposed to be born in June though.. since I was born a bit earlier than I was expected to be. (Both my brother and I were born by C-Section.. not the natural way...) But it doesn't matter. I'd still be a Gemini, the double personality sign. It's not like I manipulate people. Okay, I do. But I just can't help but change how I am for certain people. It's just how it is.. I'm strange like that.

I had hair when I was born. Lots of hair. It was black. Very black. Don't ask why I am saying this.. but I find it strange because my brother's hair was very light compared to mine. It was very light brown with a blondish tone. My mother was pregnant with him here in the US, and if they hadn't gone back to T, he would have been an American citizen. And I have no idea what's the story with me. I never hear any stories. Maybe they were right after all.. about finding me in a garbage can. Ha ha. Whatever. I am here. That's all that matters.

I make myself amused so easily. I'd laugh for no reason. That's not necessarily good.. because I've learned (*ahem* in drama last year) that laughing meant that you're uncomfortable. It's true.. but sometimes people do laugh when they are happy, right? Hmm.. who knows. But anyway. Today in history, we were doing presentations on our posters that we drew for the South African Acts. So one group went, talking about how the government can imprison anyone without prior notice to family. The girl was explaining what she and her partner drew for the poster. There was a little baby crying, "Where's Daddy?" or something like that, and then it split into another picture, with a person drawn in brown colors (representing a black person obviously) behind bars. And then she looked again, and said, "Oops, JUST kidding." (because the baby wasn't colored in brown.. and the baby was supposed to be black) "The baby is the black man's baby, but he's young and he wasn't tanned that much yet."

And I would not stop laughing. I was so sure that I drooled all over my desk because of my incessant laughter. I have to put my head down and cover it with my arms to conceal the spurting noises I was making. Well. I still do not know why I find it so funny..

Strange. Everything is awkward to me lately. So I guess I'm not that surprised.

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