any where you want.


probably moving is better
(2001-06-09) 11:56 p.m.

I don't feel like writing here anymore. Why do I even bother? I'm sick of everything. I'm sick of everything I create. Every word I use. Look at this. Look at those hopeless stars. Blurred words. It's just so.. fake.

Did I actually like it before? (sigh) I hate seeing this. It's not about being unsatisfied anymore.. it's about hatred. I'm just so annoyed and mad and tired at the same time. I can hardly see the screen because I don't have my contacts on. Blurry like all the things in my life.

Yeah, maybe I'll just move this diary completely to here. What do you think? Heh. What should I do.. what should I do? I can't continue to keep up with two active diaries at the same time..

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from yawen.