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why life drives out of control
(2001-03-04) 20:46:29

My profile finally worked after emailing Andrew about how messed up it was, heh. I still don't understand how this is only happening to me.. well, I guess I must have messed up some time along the way.

Well, I got back from my driving lesson.. I went on the freeway for the first time.. I was so freaked out. I thought okay, I am in control.. but one little turn could make the car crash into another one. You see, the instructor has his own brake and accelerator (and even his own rearview mirror) .. and only I can control the steering wheel.

But he assured me that I was doing fine.. And still, my shoulders was tense and I had a beginning soreness growing up my neck. It's really scary when I don't know how the car is going to react. And I can't even let my mind float off.. in a daydreaming state. (I have a habit of doing that these days.. my mind drifts off to think about others) I have missed seeing a red light turn green and then, the honking went on. Oops. Well, at least my turning is getting better.

Besides, today was a rainy day. Yes, rainy.. incredibly rainy in fact. It wasn't to the point of a storm.. but half the time, I can't see the road very well. And instead of really looking forward to the traffic around me, I was staring at the road ahead, those dotted lane separators. I wanted to learn how to really control the car inside those lanes.. but really, it wasn't such a good thing because I wouldn't see the car ahead..

Like, today, I almost crashed into a car because it stopped suddenly and turned into a driveway. The instructor immediately told me to brake and asked if I had seen the car. Of course I said yes.. but I dont think I really did.. hmph. Then there's the problem with the light turning yellow at the last second. I'm not really sure if I should go or hit the brakes. He just told me simply, "If you can stop, just stop." Great.. great.

Of course I can drive. Oh, just hit the pedals, and go off. But noo, there's actually rules we have to go by. *grumbles* I swear, I would crash somewhat within the next months or so. Because I don't have a very good attention span, and once my limit is reached, it just stops.

At least I had driven on a rainy day.. up to 70 MpH on the freeway.. and made it safely back. If you call if safe..

The internet is full of crap. I want to just stay within DiaryLand and be content. I'll just write my stuff and be happy. Ugh, but why am I still here looking through all these junk? You know.. I never found out how the internet really works. Does anyone really know? (Or maybe I'm just plain dumb and everyone knows except me) And theres all these umm, interesting sites. I found this site,, and it says that you can get a domain for only $10. Are you serious? I mean, are THEY serious? Is that possible? Even I could probably get it, and you know how I am poor, heh. Oh, who knows.

*sigh* I wonder why people are so obsessed with sex. Did you know that the only animals that have sex for fun are human and dolphins? I don't remember where I got that fact from.. but I'm assuming its true. But thats just.. sad. Do you know how many times I've accidently tripped into a porn site? And how many porn spam mails I get on my hotmail account? *shudders* And you do know those human parts are fake, right?

And, somehow people are paying to see these graphically enhanced parts. Ugh, if people are so desperate, they could go out and take pictures of themselves or others and then fix the pictures themselves. *sigh* People are just so sick sometimes. Maybe all the time.

Remember two years ago, with the whole Clinton - Lewinsky fiasco? How embarassing. How embarassing for the country.. the country that proved that men are really what we think they are. People are so shocked because he was the president. But, really... did you know that he isn't the FIRST president ever caught in this situation? I think there was several in the sixties or seventies.. where several people were involved with hookers. Yup, its true. I don't think they really ever proved anything though.

*groans* I'd rather refrain from this subject. Its making me puke, really.

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