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safe sounds ring the air
(2001-03-30) 6:28 pm

I managed to survive today. (sighs in relief)

Yes, I managed to pull myself together after I got up at 5. Me, being deprived of those two hours of sleep got to be really tired, and I felt like I was going to faint any second. I wasn't sleepy at all though. Not at all... not my usual drop-dead sleepiness I encounter during my rounds in classes as I try to focus. Usually though, I'm fine until third period H. Chemistry. Then, I fall flat on my desk. The teacher's voice is monotonous to my ears even though he really does try to make us listen by his corny jokes. It doesn't work for me. I fall dead.

I hear the voice so clearly, and yet it doesn't register in my head. It's something about enthrapy... heat fusion... reactions and catalysts. I don't know anything.. and yet the last time I saw my grade, it was a 95% just because I aced my last unit exam. (like 105% on the written and 92% on the scantron) Strange how it is since I studied for 5 minutes by just reading the chapters. Hey, reading late at night does work. Ha. I am not a Chemistry person.

Neither am I a math person (answering to MeriLily's question). Algebra was fine. But Trig is just killing me. We got new text books and this book stuffs so much in a section that we had to spend two days on each one. And I still can't figure out those six functions' graphs. How they work and such. And we already passed that section so long ago. I'm dumb ;) Or maybe I'm just too tired to memorize those numbers. Ooh, its all about memorization, just like Algebra. Let me crawl back to Geometry. Doing those theorems was so fun. Ha ha.

I am officially a blabber. (It sounds bad, doesn't it?) No, I mean that I can blab on about anything. I was going through numerous sites to sign guestbooks (you know I'm obsessed with them) and then I find myself blabbing on and on to these total strangers. For example.. here is an entry I wrote in one:

"Actually, N*sync never came to my mind with your domain name.. hmm. I was never really paying attention to the group anyway. But well, its pop so its bound to be appealing to these young kids. La. You use PSP7 too! I thought everyone used photoshop or something.. which gives me a headache. And I use PSP7 for everything! Including image slicer & image map. Ha ha. I am so entirely obsessed with those kinds of things. Oops, I'm blabbing on about nothing again.. forgot what my point was. Oh yes, I enjoyed your domain very much and just wanted to boost your ego by saying so. People do deserve these comments you know.. and so do you. Byebye."

I planned to only do like 2 or 3 sentences, but I just kept writing and writing. But really, PSP7 is the best graphic-making program. Although it might not be very advanced and all.. but its great in its easiness.

Its a strange day. I was a zombie-like figure roaming the school. Hopefully no one cared. I don't think they did. I got my Communist essay done. But as for my book report? No. I spent so much time researching and yet I found nothing. So I wrote only a PAGE. I wasn't even going to write it. But then I decided to just for some credit.. for all that research.. for my lack of sleep.

By the way, I scanned a picture of myself last year in... I wasnt so sure my friends' want their faces to be seen.. so I just pixelated it.. We all were in the same science park, on the way back from a local creek.

Look, LOOK at how happy I was. Look at that smile. These days all my smiles are forced and fake. Much like this: =D Don't you just hate that?

(sigh) I think I'm going in to sleep early. I still have a project to do for tommorow but that'll just have to wait. I have going to rest my mind and forever dream until I remember what that dream I had last night was. *ponders* I remember that I was someone else.. ooh, I wish.

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