any where you want.


sightings of nothing in mind
(2001-03-15) 03:13:43

Well, Napster did it. Its now filtered and it sucks. Really. As usual, I searched for my favorite artists. Neve. And guess what? It returned NO results. Is that possible? No.. so I guess they filtered them. You know what I did? I changed the filename instead... to Neeve. Hehe. And it DID show up. So they just filtered the file name.. not really the song. (Its okay though.. I already have 11 of their songs..)

They also filtered Green Day. When I searched for it, there was actually results.. but people put strange letters in front of it (hahaa) Like someone put Green ddDay. Or Day Green.

At least they didn't filter A New Found Glory.. The Ataris.. Stroke 9.. Goldfinger..Radiohead..Tori Amos.. Weezer.. I wouldn't be able to live without their music, heh.

So I spent a majority of the afternoon searching for an alternative. I found SongSpy. It's okay. The interface is great.. but of course the problem is that there arent a lot of users on it so the files are limited. Oh yes, there's this called NapAmp.. which is a plugin for Winamp.. but I think it uses Napster's servers.. which is kind of the same thing.. and I STILL havent gotten anything to work. Grr. The trouble I go through.

Oh well. I'll just.. I dont know. Gosh. Why do record companies make such a big deal out of this.

Anyway. Other news. Oh yes.. I went to the orthodontist. And waited. And realized that the last time I went.. I met HIM, remember? Yes.. I can't believe 6 months passed by SO fast. Has it really been 6 months? And you know what.. only after I sat in the seat did I realize that I sat in the same seat as him. Not that it really matters. I just noticed, thats all :)

(sigh) And the orthodontist told me that my teeth is going to get worse if I dont have my wisdom teeth pulled out. And I still haven't told my parents. I cant. I don't want my teeth pulled out. I know.. I'm a big baby. I don't know why I cant stand such little things.. I'm the same way with shots.. I cant stand those things. (sigh)

But what other choice do I have? I know I'm going to regret it later if I don't do it!!! Currently it hurts because of the tightening of the retainers, but thats all. I only have to wear it at night.. bleh. Its just.. well, teeth. It's been through so much pain.. through cavities, and now this.

I just want to knock it all out now.

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